2021–2022 Season Summary

The 2021-2022 season was off to a great start as the team could meet regularly at the Ivanhoe workshop. With all the excitement of the team with currently over 100 members, much of the off-season was spent covering the gaps in knowledge that were created due to the prolonged virtual environment. Getting the team rolling similar to how it had been before the pandemic was a large priority for the team this year. Outreach goals from the 2019-2020 season of having at least one event each month and attending each of the STEM Nights at the elementary schools were preserved in hopes of actually accomplishing them this year, which the team is making great progress towards. The team also started new ventures this year with hosting an FTC scrimmage and plans for other FTC events in the future. 

With the build season, the team recognized major gaps in knowledge in the mechanical team and sought to overcome them with increased mentor support. Grateful to finally get a full build-season after two years, the team is happy to get the opportunity to compete with Treeliner at the Week 1 Glacier Peak, where we got to be the 5th seed alliance captain along with 2 of our members moving on to the District Championship for Dean’s List Finals and another one winning the Safety All-Star award! Go Saints!